National Chamber of Industries and Commerce, UP established in 1949, is one of the premier federal organizations of Indian trade and industry with membership of above 1000 companies & trade / commodity bodies affiliated to it. The organization enjoys distinction of having His Excellency the Governor of the state of UP as it’s chief patron.It works in close association with internationally recognized apex bodies of the country like FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM.Its vast ambit protects all possible direct & indirect interest of the trade & industry through bits above 30 Cells headed by experts of distinction in the field.
India had embarked upon an ambitious liberalization programme in 1990s and now buoyed by easier excess to technology, capital & markets, country has acquired an important global position and engineered an economic upsurge. NCIC, inline with its dynamic & responsive nature ,has been wanguard in helping industry to keep pace with the parameters like products, market opportunities, partners & competitors, finance for growth etc. Changing as astonishing speed. with every passing day there is significant change in established norms of managing the forces of Economics & Commerce. Chamber is facilitator & reliable source of procurement of above global needs & disseminator of the same to all concerned, both in and outside India.